Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry: US Missile Shield In Romania Breaks INF Treaty

Russia’s Foreign Affairs Ministry again criticized the United States’ AEGIS missile defense system, which is partially deployed in Romania, accusing that it has offensive capabilities and that it violates the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty.


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Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry: US Missile Shield In Romania Breaks INF Treaty

According to Russia’s deputy foreign affairs minister, Sergey Riabkov, the Mk-41 launchers used by the system allow offensive use of medium-range missiles and other attack systems, which would thus violate the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) between Russia and the United States.

“Despite this, contrary to the provisions of the treaty, these launchers permit the offensive launch of Tomahawk medium-range cruise missiles and other attack systems. We consider this a flagrant and direct violation of the INF treaty,” said Riabkov.

High-level Russian officials have frequently criticized the Aegis missile system installed in Romania, Poland and the Mediterranean as a possible threat to the country, despite continued reassurances from the United States that the system does not target or concern Russia.

US President Donald Trump recently announced that the US will withdraw from the INF treaty, after accusing Russia of violating it by developing a new medium-range missile. The treaty, signed in 1987, forbid the development or stockpiling of missiles with a range between 500 and 5,500 km.

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